Sollie Rose Marketing 

Sollie Rose Marketing 


Career History 

I've always had a passion for helping people. As a child I said I was going to become a Singer, Song Writer, Lawyer, Journalist and Psychologist. I wanted to be all of these things because I'm very creative and I love helping people. At 16, I worked a seasonal position as a Law Clerk for the Queens Family Court Law Firm of Duncan, Sheegar, Lebetsky and Stunz. At this age I also worked under the Summer Youth Program in Queens, New York, this program allowed me to interview NYC Politicians as part of a  Youth Journalist team responsible for writing articles for the election. Eventually, I partnered with Queens Politician Fred Simmons to form a group called Bringing Teens Together, this group became a chapter of a Youth Council founded by Charles Fisher, the former Manager of Actor and Musician LL Cool J, this Youth Council was a chapter under the Hip Hop Summit Action Network founded by Russell Simmons and Dr. Benjamin Chavis. Eventually, I became an Event Marketet for the Hip Hop Summit Action Network, this organization allowed me to get a taste of the Music industry and experience Marketing events with crowds exceeding 100,000 people.

The only field I have not conquered (yet) is Psychology but I strongly believe Music is Psychology on a CD, so in that sense I've conquered all that I said I would do as a child except become a Lawyer.

Here's a funny story about shift from Law to Marketing. While working at the Law Firm, I learned a lot about the legal industry and what's needed to be an independent attorney. I witnessed the good and bad but I was still interested all the way to College. I studied at St. John's University in New York. The Dean assigned me a core Marketing course and I pleaded with him to take it off, I remember asking "what am I going to do with marketing?", I did everything I could to not take that Class, the Dean had some sympathy for me as gave me one Business Law in addition to the Marketing Course. I was so excited to take my first Law Class. This excitement quickly faded, that class was the hardest and most boring 3hr class I'd ever taken in my life but I did pass it; however the Marketing class I was so reluctant to takw was the most fascinating class I'd ever taken in my life.

Even to this day, I remember sitting in the Professor's class in awe of all the different types of Marketing and ways to Market. I never studied my notes but I remembered everything she said and Aced every exam and that class! It was through this course that I learned that I was already doing some forms of Marketing, the event marketing with HSAN and In my early teens I was a retail merchandiser for an apparel store in Rockefeller Center in NYC. After this class I new I wanted to pursue Marketing. At 18 I became an Independent Contractor for a major Retail Marketing Company. At this company that I learned how to establish  a career in Marketing.  I've been fortunate enough to Market for more Brands than I can count, in a wide variety of Marketing Fields throughout New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, California and Nevada.

Marketing strategies and techniques have drastically changed over the years, especially with the impact of  technology and Social Media but what has remained a constant is my love and passion for Marketing. Does this industry make me want to pull my hair out sometimes? Yes! But just like I believe that Music is Psychology on a CD, I strongly believe that Marketing changes lives as well, for example the healing power of retail therapy.

I won't bore you with a long story about a Candle I brought 10 years ago that I still have an cherish but I will say I walked in the store in a weary mood and I walked out smiling and in a very joyous mood. I thanked the staff repeatedly for going above and beyond but they'll never know how much of an impact they had on me. In that same way, I'll never know the full impact I have on the customers, the stores, the client but when I see sales increasing, big businesses growing, start up business going from unknown and unseen to being widely recognized all over the world, customers leaving me with a smile on their face that wasn't there when we first met, then I know I'm making a difference and it makes all the hard work worth it!

Sollie Rose